1st May 2024

You have been invited to join us in implementing Chapter 12 or you can purchase a printed copy of Fixing Stupid.

100,000,000s of people will change their lives. The few who “join us in implementing” Chapter 12 will change the world. You can sit on the sidelines and watch or you can spend just 10 minutes. You have a decision to make.

About Author Of Book

Paul Owen – author of ‘Fixing Stupid’, the guide to discovering and unleashing your inner genius by increasing your learning speed – is inviting a select audience to preview the book for free, asking that they pay particular attention to Chapter 12 and act on its message.

If you are reading this, it means that you can make a difference. Author Paul Own is inviting influential thinkers the opportunity to start putting into practice his method of ‘fixing stupid.

A learning style that increases your comprehension, speed, and ability by up to 300%.

We Are Sending Email Solicitations To Key People About The Book

Fixing Stupid will unlock your true potential. You will gain real control and power over your life. It has already worked for 100,000s of law students and 100s of children.

Chapter 12 will :

You can sit on the sidelines and watch. But it will be a lot more fun and rewarding to participate.

Unlock Your True Potential

Fixing Stupid is a new book that helps unlock your true potential and gain real control and power over your life. “It has already worked for hundreds of thousands of law students,” Owen explains. He works with law students all day long, and after years of observation, he realized that most students had an incredibly poor, even “pathetic” learning ability. They could be thirty pages into a text without truly comprehending a single thing. Part of the issue, Owen believes, is mainstream academia’s overreliance on ‘theory-based learning’ over ‘fact-based learning’ which is ineffective in isolation and at worst, dangerous to our society.

The method itself, detailed in the  6th chapter of ‘Fixing Stupid’ is simple and can be implemented by anybody aged 10 and up that is truly committed to increasing their learning capacity. At its core, the method is a learning and memorization routine that can be incrementally progressed as the student starts to notice an improvement in learning speed and ability. Owen noted that results are obvious and life-changing after a handful of months. The  12th chapter of the book is where you, one of the hand-picked recipients, come in, as Owen invites a select few to utilize the ‘Fixing Stupid’ method to affect real change in our society.

Unlock Your True Potential

Fixing Stupid is a new book that helps unlock your true potential and gain real control and power over your life. It has already worked for hundreds of thousands of law students,” Owen explains. He works with law students all day long, and after years of observation, he realized that most students had an incredibly poor, even “pathetic” learning ability. They could be thirty pages into a text without truly comprehending a single thing. Part of the issue, Owen believes, is mainstream academia’s overreliance on ‘theory-based learning’ over ‘fact-based learning’ which is ineffective in isolation and at worst, dangerous to our society.


The method itself, detailed in the sixth chapter of ‘Fixing Stupid’ is simple and can be implemented by anybody aged 10 and up that is truly committed to increasing their learning capacity. At its core, the method is a learning and memorization routine that can be incrementally progressed as the student starts to notice an improvement in learning speed and ability. Owen noted that results are obvious and life-changing after a handful of months. The twelfth chapter of the book is where you, one of the hand-picked recipients, come in, as Paul nvites a select few to utilize the ‘Fixing Stupid’ method to affect real change in our society.

You Can Now Join Us in Implementing Chapter 12.

Chapter 12 is going to create 100,000s of millionaires and 100s of billionaires. Once you have read it, you have a decision to make. Do you want to sit on the sidelines and watch? Or, do you want to be part and parcel of what happens? It’s your choice. Owen challenges his readers to thoroughly engage with the material presented in order to make dramatic changes to their own lives and the world at large.
Do you have 10 minutes?

Join Us in Implementing Chapter 12

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Purchase a printed copy of Fixing Stupid $14.99 including shipping.

Becasue of massive problems in the paper industry we can supply the book in an 8.5″ x 11″ format GBC (plastic comb bound) with blank covers. If you purchase, when things get back to normal you will be able to get a regular printed layflat bindging copy for at cost ($5.99) including shipping.